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March Presets

Initial setup

When creating a PvP march preset, you first create your layers. The size of your layers will depend on the size of your march. Always set up a PvP march with the same march size buff active that you will use during either SvS or battle field. Changing the size of your march buff will cause the game to do very bad things to your layers. For the same reason, a march preset will be specific to a single pair of generals. This is because as you develop your generals, each pair of generals will have a unique march size.

  • If your march size is greater than or equal to three million, use a layer size of 1000 troops.
  • If your march size is between two and three million, use a layer size of 500 troops.
  • If your march size is between one and two million, use a layer size of 100 troops.
  • If your march size is less than one million, use a layer size of 50 troops.

Next we look at the details for marches that are centered around a single troop type.

Rangers March:

basic preset

The percentages listed here are of your remaining march capacity after creating your layers. If you do not have T14s, shift each tier down one.

  • T14 Ranged: 10%
  • T13 Ranged: 25%
  • T12 Ranged: 50%
  • T11 Ranged: 10%
  • T10 Ranged: 5%

advanced preset

This march modifies certain layers to mess with the enemy’s defense If you do not have T14s, shift each Ground and Ranged tier down one. Do NOT shift the Siege and Mounted tiers.

  • T14 Ground: 10000
  • T14 Ranged: 10%
  • T13 Ranged: 25%
  • T12 Ranged: 50%
  • T11 Ranged: 10%
  • T11 Siege: 5%
  • T9 Mounted 5000
  • T7 Mounted 5000
  • T5 Mounted 5000

Cav March:

basic preset

The percentages listed here are of your remaining march capacity after creating your layers. If you do not have T14s, shift each tier down one.

  • T14 Cav: 25%
  • T13 Cav: 30%
  • T12 Cav: 35%
  • T11 Cav: 10%

advanced preset

This march modifies certain layers to mess with the enemy’s defense If you do not have T14s, shift each percentage based tier down one. Use the highest tier ground you have.

  • T14 Ground: 10000
  • T14 Cav: 25%
  • T13 Cav: 30%
  • T12 Cav: 10%
  • T11 Cav: 10%
  • T9 Ground: 5000
  • T7 Ground: 5000

Ground March:

basic preset

The percentages listed here are of your remaining march capacity after creating your layers. If you do not have T14s, shift each tier down one.

  • T14 Ground: 35%
  • T13 Ground: 35%
  • T12 Ground: 25%
  • T11 Ground: 5%

advanced preset

This march modifies certain layers to mess with the enemy’s defense If you do not have T14s, shift each percentage based tier down one. Use the highest tier Ranged you have for the top tiers.

  • T14 Ranged: 10000
  • T14 Ground: 35%
  • T13 Ranged: 10000
  • T13 Ground: 35%
  • T12 Ground: 25%
  • T11 Ground: 5%

Large Siege March:

The percentages listed here are of your remaining march capacity after creating your layers. Do NOT substitute layers without coordinating with your entire alliance.

  • T14 Ground: 10000
  • T14 Siege 45%
  • T13 Siege: 55%.

Small Siege March:

The percentages listed here are of your remaining march capacity after creating your layers. Do NOT substitute layers without coordinating with your entire alliance.

  • T14 Ground: 10000
  • T12 Siege: 100k
  • T11 Siege: Fill your march capacity.